Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Aren’t Bad Apples the Cause of Ethical Problems in Organizations?

According to the bad apple theory, people are good or bad and organizations are powerless to change these folks. This bad apple idea16 is appealing in part because unethical behavior can then be blamed on a few individuals with poor character. Although it’s unpleasant to fire people, it’s relatively easier for organizations to search for and discard a few bad apples than to search for some organizational problem that caused the apple to...

Those Who Were Supposed to Protect Us Didn’t

One protection against financial calamity was thought to be the rating agencies such as Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s. They rate the safety or soundness of securities, including those securitized mortgage products. A credit opinion is defined as one which rates the timeliness and ultimate repayment of principal and interest. But, like everyone else, the rating agencies say they didn’t foresee a decline in housing prices; and consequently, they...

Mortgage Originators Peddled ‘‘Liar Loans’’.

In the early 2000s, as housing investments increased in popularity, more and more people got involved. Congress urged lenders Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to expand home ownership to lower-income Americans. Mortgage lenders began to rethink the old rules of financing home ownership. As recently as the late 1990s, potential home owners not only had to provide solid proof of employment and income to qualify for a mortgage, but they also had...

Real Estate Became the Investment of Choice

Of course, people also want to invest in something safe, and what could be safer than real estate? There had been relatively few instances of real estate values declining, and when they did the declines were generally shallow and short-lived. A point of pride in the United States was the high percentage of Americans who owned their own homes. Investing in a home traditionally had been a very safe investment and one that was slow to appreciate...